Workout plan to gain muscle and burn fat

So after training in the gym for years and never really ever seeing any results, I decided to take it seriously and take a different path. 
First I decided to go everyday.
Second I decided to train a muscle or muscle group per day.
Then I decided to consume more protein to feed the muscles.
Then I felt tired to I started to take minerals and vitamins.
Then I started seeing results and haven't stopped since.

My workout plan of the week at the gym:

All exercises consist more or less of: 

20 reps with light weight to warm up then:
8-10 reps of heavy weight ( 3 series)

I do a 10 minute warm up on the eliptical cardio or treadmill.

I spend about 45 minutes in the gym including the cardio before.
In between sets I usually do crunches or jumping jacks and things to keep going.

Monday to friday i walk about 30-45 minutes after lunch at a fast pace. 

3 times a week i do 1000 skips.

Check the exercices here:

Monday - Peck day
Inclined peck 
Chest Flies
Dumbell pullovers
Cable fly
Seated back dumbell fly

Tuesday - Arm day
Bicep curls
Tricep Kickback
Deltoid dumbell side raise
Bicep cable curl
tricep cable pressdown
Seated forward side raise

Wednesday - Back Day
Incline Dumbbell Rows
Bent-Over One Arm Dumbbell Rows
Pull-Ups & Lat Pull-Downs
Narrow Grip Seated Cable Rows

Thursday - Leg day
Wide Stance Barbell Squats
Standing Barbell Calf Raises
Barbell Lunges

Friday - Cardio and ab day

I change the speed every 45 seconds to change the heart rate (also known as HIIT training)

5 minutes bike
5 minutes treadmill
5 minutes eliptic
then again
5 minute bike.
5 minutes treadmill
5 minutes eliptic

After training I take a protein Shake, I'm using this one at the moment:


I also take a multivitamine tablet every morning, with a Zinc tablet and 5 Spiruline tablets

My diet is low on carbs and sugars, I eat a large variety of foods, vegetables, fruit as snacks. I eat aproximately every 3 hours.

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